Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Well I am Back!

Alright my fellow blog readers who have nothing to read for a long, long time now. I am back to posting. Summer is here and we have made the decision that next year I have to stay at home. S can not handle it when I am not here. It is wierd the dynamic that has developed there. He can not stand it when I am gone, but when I am here I get the I could care less about you being here attitude. Lots has happened since my last post. S has had three stays in the psych hospital. The last one was done involuntarily. The first one he learned all kinds of lovely behaviors, such as telling us he hated us and didn't want a family. He actually loved the psych hospital because it was so much like the orphanage and he was comfortable there. When he first came home for three days we could not get him to even step foot in the house. It was horrible. The last time he was there was much better. He actually wanted to come home and did not want to go there. I was so frustrated with the hospital staff. I fought and fought against them committing him. However in the end they did and I had no choice. I have never felt so helpless in my life. That was horrible. Since he came home the last time and we have gotten him on some meds things have seemed to calm down. However the last fit, was the last straw. We decided then and there that I had to be at home. Just him having that knowledge has seemed to help. I also went to part time the last part of the year and that helped as well. Also my husband started dialysis since my last post. That has been an emotional roller coaster. We are trying to get him listed for a kidney transplant and pray that the dialysis lasts long enough for him to make it. J is struggling with all the attention S is having and has started to have more and more fits. We have had brain scans done on S and can see where his little brain is just not functioning like "normal." He also tests at a pre-k level and is 8 and half. Through a huge blessing we have been blessed with some free tutoring from the Huntington Learning Center. An awesome place and I highly recommend them. We are also going to try them in some sports camps. Well that is a quick and dirty update. I will update more on the psych hospital and the brain scans later.

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