Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Another Day, Another Dollar

Ok so today was our day that we (ie my husband and I) go to our attachment therapist specialist, who tells us how wonderful we are doing but we could be doing xyz. Hmmmm can you tell she is also a RAD mom herself. She does help us to feel like we are trying to do the right things, but I just can not get over the fact that she does not work with the children at all. So on that note we will be looking for yet another therapist that will work with R, while for a time continuing on with her (then we will see how things go). At least there is someone saying that you need to do this and that. That is a comfort in itself.

Unlike some people right now we are not in a position for me to quit work. This makes it VERY hard for me to do therapeutic parenting. I always feel like I am being a failure at something, not doing enough at work and teaching for the students, or not doing enough at home. My parents do not help matters. While I love them both dearly and greatly appreciate the sacrifices they are making (ie Nana retired to stay at home and take care of the boys while I work), they can drive me absolutely bonkers. Our therapist is telling us that all sweets and fun times come from mama alone. Well the latest battle was over a stinking popsicle. Nana had promised the boys a popsicle (something you should never do with a RAD child) tomorrow, when we have told her no sugar from her. Well she gets upset and a long lecture ensues from my dad. I just want them to realize these are my children and mine and my husband's word are final on raising them. I am working hard to be able to stay at home with my children, but until that happens there will always be these little issues that creep up. It is hard enough to therapeutic parent and work, it is about to drive me bonkers to therapeutic parent, work, and argue with my parents about what is best for my children.

Ok so I guess that is enough venting for tonight. I have not invited my mother to this blog so I can vent about these things without her getting her feelings hurt anymore. I know this is a hard time for all of us, but I really need a little more support and a little less arguing right now. Thank God for my level headed husband who seems to keep us all sane.


  1. Take your parents with you to the therapist, and have her also explain and reinforce. Seriously! I have known many people to do this, and have seen grandparents finally "get it" and become much more proactive to help.

    It doesn't hurt to try!

  2. Hey Christine,

    This is already in the works. We just have to find someone to watch our kids while we go because our therapist refuses to let them come to any sessions. (She does not want any bonding with her to happen so she says.) So hopefully next week it will happen, until then we will muddle through. Thanks for the great advice though. I would defenitely be doing taking this suggestion if it was not already in the works.

  3. I agree with Christine... Take them, that would be the best, otherwise sit them down and have a good talk with them, but that may cause hard feelings...

    There will definitely be hard times, but there will be good times as well..

    Never fear leaning on your friends... loved ones.. God... they will all do what they can
