Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Haiti- Day Three

Yesterday we spent time at the pillow stuffing again. I swear this is not as easy as it sounds. However in the past two days we have stuffed almost a 1,000 bags of pillow stuffing. This is a very hot and sweaty job, you have to take the stuffing and we were trying to pull it out of this big bale and then you have to seperate it and stuff it into bags. We were trying to use a baby scale that was electronic and it kept doing wierd things all the time, like zeroing out. We were supposed to weigh exactly 1.5 pounds, but it was holding us up so much that we decided to just fill the bags. (Sorry, John) We were all tired and exhausted and by the end of the day my pink shirt looked more grey than pink. Oh well such are the things that happen on mission trips.

However we got some special treats during the day. We got to hear some of the girls from the sewing class singing as they were practicing for their graduation. They started singing around the time that lunch was late coming and we were all getting a little grumpy from being tired and hungry. Then this beautiful singing came and it just created a sense of peace and calm. The girls had beautiful voices. The song they were singing was about how no matter the trials and tribulations of life they would always stick together. It was just beautiful.

Also today we got to work with some wonderful Haitians. One of them was named Phillip. He was a God send. Not only did he help us with shredding the fabric, but he also cut the wires away from the bundle and it just fell apart. We said that he was our secret weapon. LOL We also met Marjorie and the lady who ran the shop. I bought a purse for my mom (who is not reading my blog so it will be a suprise). The lady was so thankful for the little bit of money according to my standards that I spent with her. She just kept saying, "THank you so much for shopping with us." All of this just goes to prove the saying that Haiti wants a hand up and not a hand out. While just like in the US there are people who do want a hand out, a good majority of them want a hand up. They are hard working people, who work harder than most of us have ever imagined, and they take pride in a job well done. I am thoroughly impressed with the people of Haiti and my respect for them grows every day I am here.

After a long day of work John (or J as he is now known, because he says everyones name is too hard to say so he shortens it, so we decided John is too hard to say), came to rescue us. It was great to see him and Dave show up. We had just sat down for a water break and in these two wonderful men came. John asked if we wanted to go to a store that was air conditioned and get something cold to drink. I was like "YES! Of course we want to go" So we all piled in his truck and went to the store. Now riding in the back of the truck in Haiti is always quiet an experience. One gentleman said something to us in Creole, and Nicole (the young lady from Haiti) turned to me and was like "What did he say?" It was just funny because I speak no Creole. He then spoke to us in English, asking if we didn't speak Creole. We were like no and then took off again on the adventure of riding through the streets of Haiti.

When we got to the store we were instructed to take nothing in with us. We walked in and John, bless the man, told us to get whatever we wanted. We got some cold drinks. I had coconut water, it was really good and had little pieces of coconut in it. However the score of the day was some fried plantains, a chocolate bar, and some mentos. It was just awesome that he would be so thoughtful to take us there, and then he would not let us pay for anything. He was just so gracious and telling us to get whatever we wanted.

After this it was another trip back to the Harbor House and picked up some folks and went back to the guest house. Here we ended up eating dinner and then just spent time talking and getting to know folks better. There was a bad storm here last night and a few leaks, but nothing major. I wonder about the roads though. We also were told that we were going to go to a traditional Haitian market today, so that should be lots of fun and I will take lots of pictures. After that long and exciting day it was time for sleep.

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