Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekly Update

Wel this week has been a whirlwind. I have had an up and down barage of feelings, from just wanting to turn around and go back to Haiti, to being very very happy I am home, to complete astonishment, to utter despair.

When I got back home on Saturday I brought a lovely bug with me. Sunday all I wanted to do was lay in bed, in between trips to the lovely washroom. Rob and I ended up in a big fight and I was just like I am ready to get on a plane and go back to Haiti. Life is so different there and I could just be focused on helping. I didn't have to think about starting dialysis training this week, or having two sons with issues. Poor Rob was not so lucky and it took me a few days to adjust. However during that process the prospect of hoping on a plane to Haiti was appealing.

Things got back into a routine on Monday and I was happy and content. I got up and homeschooled the boys and we went through a typical daily routine. We had a few minor incidents but nothing major. S went to his weekly tutoring and I baby sat my friend's sons. Then we went to the pool and just enjoyed each other's company.

Tuesday was again pretty much normal except for the fact that we started Rob's dialysis training so that he can come home with this new product from Next Stage.

Wednesday was the day from heck. We were supposed to go to S's attachment therapist. However on the way there I had a little fender bender. Noone was hurt and neither were the cars really, but I got a ticket for following too close (I am like this is Atlanta and everyone follows too close if not you get cut off). So we ended up missing the appointment and turning arund and coming back home. I decided to homeshool a bit, but S had other ideas. He decided to throw a fit and try to destroy the homeschool room. I stopped that, but the fit continued until he did something I never thouh a kid would do. He jumped off our balcony of our second story. So I had to take him to the doctor and he had ended up breaking his foot.

On Thursday S went to the orthepidic doctor and ended up getting a cast on for two weeks. I am still astonished at why a child would do such a thing. Sometimes it is like dealing with a three year old in an eight year olds body. It can be exhausting and you never know what is going to be that trigger. As I like to say it is because "the moon is in the fourth quarter and jupiter is aligned with mars in a funky way" as my way of emphasising I have no idea what is going on in his little head.

On Friday we again went to dialysis training. They had me hook Rob up and I mean there are at least 50-75 steps you have to do to hook him up and another 25-40 you have to do to unhook him. And so in the middle of having to remember all these minute steps and what hooks to what I also have to check not to have any air in the lines and not to stick too deep or I will go through his fistula. I am just feeling overwhelmed by all of this and normally I am pretty good at picking stuff up, but I am just totally lost and I can not seem to remember the first five steps, much less all of them. I am totally terrified to do this at home and I am just not sure I can do it. I was bawling on the way home from leaving the training. I just am stressed about this. I feel so much pressure to just be able to do this, and I am just not sure my non-medical brain can wrap around this. We will see.

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